Sunday, October 21, 2012

Lincoln's Preschool- 10/3/12

This was Lincoln's first time in his new preschool class since we miss the first day and he went to his brother's class.  I am so thankful that I know 3 of the Mom's in the class.  I would like to think of myself as an outgoing person but I seem to have trouble making new friends.  Once the initial ice is broken I am usually good to go but getting to that point is a little hard for me.  Anyways, I am just glad I know a couple of people.
Lincoln loves to play with cars right now.

Addie and Lincoln making a huge mess! :)

Lincoln's artwork for the day.

During music time we did Hickory Dickery Dock.  We didn't have any clocks so we had to improvise with bricks.

At the beginning and end of each year Ms. Diane has us trace our childs hand, weigh them and see how tall they are.  It is really neat to compare them to the time before.

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