Thursday, June 16, 2011

Baby #2- 22 weeks

22 Weeks

How far along: 22 weeks

Size of Baby:papaya
Big Brother Lincoln: Lincoln is standing up more and more on his own.
Total weight gain: A million pounds...I'm actually not sure since we haven't been staying at home where my scale is.
Maternity clothes: I can still wear some non maternity things.

Gender: It's a BOY!! Harrison Joseph Barajas

Movement: He moves a lot!!

Sleep: Not sleeping that great right now but there has been a lot going on.
Symptoms: I wear out easily and have some aches and pains.
What I Miss: Not having to try to limit myself on the times I pick up my son.
Cravings: nachos & cheese
Best Moment this Week: The thought of selling our house.
What I'm Looking Forward to: Figuring out if we are selling our house or not.


  1. Thanks for your sweet comment! YOu are just adorable! What a cute little bump!! :)

  2. you look great! I LOVE your boys names...Lincoln is so unique and Harrison is ADORABLE! yay :)
