Weight: 36.4lbs
Height: 35.75inches
You mostly wear size 3t now. As soon as I get a chance I am going to clean all the of the 2t stuff out of your closet and put it in your brother's closet.
You are a horrible eater. I am trying not to lose my patience with you but it is exhausting trying to get you to eat anything. Dr. Carroll said we should try limiting your milk intake. Honestly, I don't have it in me to fight with you about it right now. You are a very healthy boy and you are growing and gaining weight so I am not going to push the matter too much.
Words: You say way to many things now to write them all down. DaDa, MaMa, Bye, NumNum, hi, backpack, thank you, truck, Tay Tay, Pop Pop, bottle, up, choo choo, Dex, socks, sit, boom, this, yes, hop, ice, ten, nine, hot, there, Bot, no, bath, two, you call a cookie, cook, Tish, two, six, eight, Elmo, fish, duck, Mopsy (Motts), Popsy (Potts), Harris (Hurris), chips, bird, car, tree, moon, rain, Big Bird, mouse, monkey, house, you are repeating more and more words everyday.
Sleep:You usually got to bed about 10:30pm or 11pm and wake up around 7:30am but most of the time I have to wake you up to leave. You take a nap around 11:30am and wake up between 2pm-2:30pm. you have started going to bed later and wanting to sleep late in the morning (like your Mommy). Maybe once we move and things get calmed down a little we can get back into our old routine.
Diapers: I moved you back to size 6 diapers. The size five didn't cut it at night and it was too hard to remember which diaper to put on when.
Overall, Dr. Carroll said you looked great. He was amazed that you can count to 12 in English and six in Spanish. You can also count bachwards from 10. You know what all the animals say and pick out which is which in a book.
Someone just wanted to do the monster face in every picture.
He loves to play tent.
this is what he was trying to do the whole time Dr. Carroll was in the room when he wasn't screaming. I'm not really sure what was wrong with him but he cried from the minute Dr. C came in until he left.